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Since the foundation of Vicomte late 2012, we have been Creating Renaissance Brands™ in the New Galactic Age. These are Brands with sustainable pricing power and with icon potential.

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From architecture ambiguity to strategic portfolio clarity.

From brand weakness to sustainable pricing power.

From silicon snake oil to real marketing miracle$.

The Vicomte Way of Marketing
blends 3 areas of expertise,
Creating Renaissance Brands™

1/3 Owner-Centric Marketing Advice

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I had, and still have, the honor to work with some of the biggest, best and most iconic Brands around the world. I love to farm Brands, to nurture them, to reinvent them, to sell them, or even to kill them. In a brand based business model, Brands should always remain a means to an end, never become the end. Marketing is about creating Miracle$, with a dollar signMarketing is Finance is Business.

Vicomte provides active advice, thinking and acting like an owner, never as just a consultant. Vicomte is part advisor, yet also a micro-ventures firm, an active LP in 3 VCs focused on start-ups and on scale-ups (in the USA and in the EU). I believe in taking risk, in walking the talk, in getting skin in the game, wherever possible and justified. I prefer to share the ups and downs and strategic pivots over the years with the founders and with the company boards.

Not every venture works out as imagined. But you can never have regrets. Learn, iterate and move on. No risk, no glory. Most ventures do work. These are the Miracle$ we fight for.

Arcview Collective
Arcview Group
Blue Seed Collective
ELO Health
FNB Tech
New World
Quality Eats
Sir Kensingtons
Soul Group
TPG Capital
Virgin SPAC II
Vita Coco
XCL Education

2/3 Teaching / Coaching / Keynotes / Workshops

Since 2013, and especially since the publication of my first book end 2018, I have become a regular speaker at leading universities, industry congresses, entrepreneurship centers, and at corporates around the globe.

Keynote, workshop or teaching topics range from classic marketing subjects all the way to very existential debates on how to build successful brands over the next 50 years of "Space 2.0" - the new Galactic Age. I am an aspiring astronaut and future space traveller, on Virgin Galactic. The impact of space research on our daily life is probably the most important untold story of our lifetime. A story i am passionate about.

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3/3 Paying It Forward

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I believe in the power of giving back, especially in actively helping the next generations unleash their full potential in an increasingly galactic world.

Non-profit organizations hold many very valuable lessons for the business world, not the least on the power of diversity of thinking, on the critical importance of purpose and values underpinning your business model, and on the role of ethics and good governance.

Vice versa, many non-profits benefit from a more professional and -dare i say it?- commercial brand oriented approach to truly fulfill their mission. Non-profit is a very competitive business. Again, the fundamentals of brand building apply: Marketing is Finance is Business. It is all about creating sustainable, recurring, quality growth benefiting all stakeholders.

Be Central (Belgium)
BelCham (USA/Belgium)
Jubelpark / Cinquantenaire (Belgium/Global)
King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium/Global)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Belgium)
Prince Albert Fund (Belgium)
WFA (Global)


Vicomte news, articles, and notable events.

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About Chris

Vicomte develops tailor-made strategic brand solutions, applying his unique Vicomte Way of Marketing - the distillation of over 30 years of working for both global blue chips in FMCG (P&G, The Coca-Cola Company, ABInBev), as well as for many entrepreneurial ventures and for non-profits.


Full bio info:


Chris is a multiple award-winning world-class marketing operator and thought leader turned entrepreneur, advisor, investor, board member, academic, author, and speaker.

Always testing new frontiers, Chris was among the first senior CPG leaders to play an active role in shaping the controversial yet fascinating global cannabis and hemp business.

If all goes to plan, he will become the first CMO in space in the coming years (with Virgin Galactic).

For keynotes or workshop booking:


WhatsApp +16468533719

Craving Marketing Miracle$?

Create your own Renaissance Brand in the New Galactic Age.

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Discover how to create iconic Brands with sustainable pricing power in the new Galactic Age

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